3 Fleet Management Resources You Should Be Reading

Finding resources to keep up with fleet news, fuel management, etc. can be a difficult task because there are simply so many great resources to use. So here are a few resources we recommend reading.

Automotive Fleet

Automotive Fleet is one of our favorite resources to read because it covers a variety of topics from leasing vehicles to fuel management. It does a great job creating content ranging from industry statistics to meticulous step-by-step guides. Automotive Fleet is also perhaps the most consistent fleet resource developed for fleet managers. You can also subscribe to their email program, to get articles in your inbox.

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AAA Fuel Gauge Report

The AAA Fuel Gauge Report is great for looking up fuel prices in your area. This is a reliable resource to compare what you are paying your current fuel provider with the average retail price to see if you are getting a good deal on your fuel. It will also keep you up-to-date with what the fuel market is doing so you can have an idea of what to expect on your next fuel bill.

Green Fleet

As the automotive and trucking industries become greener due to government regulations, company culture changes, etc., it is definitely a good idea to read Green Fleet. Green Fleet is a green version of a fleet management magazine which focuses on green technology, green fleet practices, etc..

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