Is this you when you are going through fuel receipts at the end of the month?
Ok maybe not that bad, but entering receipts into your fuel expense reports at the end of the month is a pain. And collecting fuel receipts from your drivers is even a bigger headache. I’m sure you you have heard this before;
“The pump wouldn’t give me a receipt.”
“I got a receipt, but I lost it.”
“Here’s part of my receipt.”
Fortunately, there is a solution to your problem. Electronic fuel receipts.
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How Electronic Fuel Receipts Work
Most fuel cards have electronic fuel receipts or purchase alerts that go straight to your email inbox immediately after every purchase. When your driver finishes fueling, you get a receipt. It’s that simple. E-receipts can be setup for up to multiple contacts in your organization, so your operations manager, accounts payable specialist, and fleet manager can all see the receipts if desired.
Now some of you are thinking getting emails for 10, 20, 50, fuel purchases per day can be overwhelming. We agree. Our recommendation is that you setup a folder in your email inbox that collects all your e-receipts or setup a different email address all together.
Additionally, e-receipts will help you monitor your fuel usage. If you notice you are getting receipts at 2 a.m. on a Sunday morning and your vehicles only operate Monday through Friday, you will know someone is stealing fuel.
What does a electronic fuel receipt look like? Here ya go. You can see that it displays all the data you need including card number, driver name, vehicle id, place, time, type of fuel, and quantity.