What Is A Commercial Fueling Network?

A commercial fueling network is a large network of gas stations that are specifically made for business use only. These stations are typically referred to as cardlock stations or commercial fuel stations. There are two major commercial fueling networks in the continental United States, Pacific Pride and CFN (Commercial Fueling Network).

Think of a commercial fueling network as a Costco concept of fuel for businesses. You have to have a membership card to fuel, and usually business buy much more fuel than regular drivers which drives down the price within a commercial fueling network. The only difference is that commercial fueling networks aren’t open to the general public.


How can I fuel at a commercial fueling network location?

You need the appropriate cardlock fuel card (CFN or Pacific Pride) to buy fuel at these locations. Check out this article on how to get a CFN fuel card. You can also contact your local CFN or Pacific Pride card provider and they can set your business up with a cardlock fuel card.

What price do you pay at a commercial fueling network location?

When you first come to cardlock location you’ll notice that the location will not have a price on the pump or will have a note that the price on the pump does not apply to CFN cardholders. This is because every customer that uses this station will not pay the same price because card providers control the final prices.

Get A Fuel Quote For Your Closest Cardlock Station

Which commercial fueling network is the best? CFN or Pacific Pride

To see how CFN compares with Pacific Pride, check out our recent article, CFN Vs. Pacific Pride: Which Cardlock Fuel Card Is Right For You?
