Fleet DEF Strategy: 3 Common Diesel Exhaust Fluid Setups

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) plan? Yes DEF is here and here to stay at least for the near future. As you start retiring old trucks and bringing new trucks into your fleet, you are going need a DEF plan.  As you already know, if you run out of DEF, your drivers will be stuck.

So what to do? Here’s 3 common successful methods fleets are using to incorporate DEF into their current fuel programs.

1. Packaged DEF Systems (Totes & Drums)


What you need:

Recommended for: small to medium sized fleets


  • Convenient for drivers
  • Inexpensive installation cost (only have to buy pump for system)


  • Drivers have to hand pump DEF if you don’t have an electric pump
  • Manager needs to keep inventory full

2. Bulk DEF Tank And Dispenser

def tank
Image Credit: Tecalemit

What you need:

Recommended for: medium to large fleets


  • Convenient
  • Bulk price per gallon


  • Higher installation cost compared to alternatives
  • Manager needs to keep inventory full
  • Potential equipment maintenance

3. Find Diesel Fuel Stations With DEF At The Pump

def at the pump

What you need: Nothing

Recommended for: all fleet sizes


  • Convenient
  • No equipment cost or maintenance
  • Don’t have to regulate inventory


  • Hard to find diesel fuel stations with DEF