Fuel Card For Transportation & Bus Companies

The C NRG Fleet fuel card helps transportation & bus companies track and controls fuel purchases for their entire fleet.

Transportation Industry Fueling Challenges

Managers and owners of transportation companies have maintain a fleet of many different vehicle types, the safety of it’s passengers, and the scheduling of their drivers. In addition they are also faced with the following fueling challenges;

  • Fueling many different vehicles with different fuel requirements
  • Managing fuel purchases with many different drivers on varied schedules
  • Finding a reliable network of locations for drivers to fuel at 24/7

Fortunately with the C NRG Fleet card we can give you the tools to manage your fuel program with ease so you can focus on the other challenges you face.


How We Help Transportation & Bus Companies


Universal Acceptance

With 320,000 locations, the Voyager fleet card will help you control and track your fuel purchases at gas stations, truck stops, and private fueling sites.

Custom Card Controls

Transportation companies fuel everything from a small car ($60 per fill) to a charter bus ($750 per fill). Every card can have custom controls to match the need of the vehicle the card is fueling so your driver gets exactly what they need.

Purchase Alerts

As soon as your driver hangs up the nozzle at the pump, you will receive a purchase alert via text or email with all the transaction details. This will help you know where and what your drivers are purchasing at all times.

Sort Invoice By Department

We can organize your invoice by department such as local fleet, management, charter etc.. so you get the transactions and totals each department spent. This will help you allocate fuel cost to each area of your business by simply reviewing the invoice.

Choose The Best Price

With the Voyager Mobile App your drivers can find locations with the cheapest prices in the area. Some locations can be up to 40¢ cheaper than others.

Recommended Fuel Card Setup For Transportation Companies

Recommended Fuel Card Setup: Floating Pin

Fuel Cards Are Assigned To Vehicles/Equipment

For most transportation companies we would recommend a floating pin setup. The fuel cards are assigned to the vehicle and stay with the vehicle at all times (in glove box/attached to key ring).

Pin Numbers Are Assigned to Crew Members

Your drivers will then be assigned individual pin numbers that can activate any card. This way you can track what driver is fueling what vehicle at all times.

Floating Pin Benefits

  • Drivers can switch vehicles at any time
  • You can cancel/add crew members instantly without waiting for a fuel card to arrive
  • Less lost cards as card stay with vehicle at all times

Accepted At 95% Of Fuel Stations

We’ve got you covered no matter where you travel.

See All Brands Near You

Types of Transportation & Bus Companies We Work With

  • Charter bus
  • Limousine service
  • Taxi service
  • Executive transportation services
  • School bus service
  • Group charters
  • Employee charters
  • Ride share
  • Mini coach

Managing A Large Fleet?

See how our Voyager Fuel Cards provide tailored solutions for fleets with over 100 vehicles, offering advanced reporting, flexible controls, nationwide coverage, and no card fees to help streamline your fuel management.
