Fuel Card Integration: GPS Systems

In a previous article, we discussed what benefits fuel card integration with accounting software can offer a trucking fleet. Which if you missed it, and are interested in reading the article just mentioned you can find it here. In this article however, a much more narrow focus will be taken. In what is to follow we will discuss specifically how to integrate fuel card data with a GPS system and how that benefits a company. 

Disclaimer: First and most importantly, before you can integrate data across platforms you have to have platforms to integrate. So before reading any further, if you do not have a Voyager Fuel Card but wish to benefit from integration click here and begin your application now! Reason being, that from here on out all information on integration revolves around the Voyager Fuel Card.

For those of you already with Voyager or those you who have just returned from completing their application,welcome. Let’s get started! 

Making use of Voyager’s API technology is a lot like picking and choosing controls for a fuel card. There are a lot of options, and it is up to you as the consumer to select a variety that best benefits you and your fleet. Since most fleets use a GPS system of some kind, integration of this kind is very common.

So what do you have to do? Follow the steps below to start on the path towards GPS integration.


  1. Call us at CNRG Fleet, or whoever your fuel card provider is.
  2. Inform us that you wish to take advantage of Voyager’s API technology and which particular solutions you would like to integrate

From here on out the following steps will be executed by CNRG Fleet,

  1. Your company will be registered with Voyager and a request for access to the API will be submitted
  2. Once you and your company have been granted access your desired integration solutions will be selected
  3. Following Voyager’s completion of our request, we will then inform your GPS provider and you the company that your fuel card data will not be sent to where your GPS data is stored