How Does Your Fuel Card Program Stack Up? : Take The Test

Chances are, fuel is probably one of the biggest expenses to operate your fleet (even with low gas and diesel prices). But it’s always interesting how many companies’ fuel card programs are put on the back-burner. I mean how many times have you told someone “ We have used the same fuel card for years.” Chances are your fuel program is barely passing and out of date.

Technology has changed and fuel card companies have added tools to make your life easier. But how do you know if you’re are all up to speed?

It’s easy, put your current fuel card to the test with our fuel card grader. Just answer 10 simple questions and we’ll email you a detailed report with any suggestions or improvements you can make.

The Fuel Card Grader Will Analyze

  • If you’re taking advantage of the appropriate tools to manage your fleet
  • If you’re using the right fuel card program for your fleet
  • If your fuel card account is setup correctly
  • If your drivers are fueling at the best locations
  • If you’re receiving the best customer service

It completely free, no obligation. Just answer the 10 questions on the fuel card grader and we’ll send you your results.