How To Apply For A Fuel Card For Your Business

If you’re reading this you’ve probably already looked into fuel cards or have at least heard of what a fuel card is at some point. You may have a fuel card already picked out, but what does the signup process look like? Here’s three standard steps you will have to take to apply for a fuel card.

1) Fill Out The Credit Application

Most if not all fuel card companies will require your company to fill out a credit application in order to establish a credit line. Simply go to the appropriate fuel card’s website (links below) and apply for a fuel card online. 

Be prepared with your standard company credit reference sheet and payment information to make your job easier.

2) Order Your Fuel Cards

After you apply for a fuel card, you will be asked to fill out a card order form. This form has all the details with how you want to assign your fuel cards (by driver or vehicle) and what controls you want to put on each card.

If you have any trouble make sure to speak with a sales representative to clarify any questions because this is a vital part of the process.


3) Activate And Pass Out Your Fuel Cards

After you send in your card order form, you should receive your cards within 48 hours to 2 weeks depending on how fast your fuel card company processes and creates your cards. Once you receive your fuel cards, follow the activation instructions and pass out your fuel cards to your drivers.

Bonus Tips: Ask your fuel card company for a map of locations your fuel cards are accepted at so you don’t have any problems with your drivers using the wrong fuel locations. You may also want to draft a driver fuel card policy form to further hold your drivers accountable for their fuel purchases.
