How To Get A Fuel Card For Your Business: The Complete Process

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you already realize your company needs a fuel card, you just don’t know how to get a fuel card or what the application and card order process entails.

So let’s walk you through the standard fuel card application process so you understand exactly how to get a fuel card for your business.

Step 1: Fill Out The Fuel Card Credit Application

Just like applying for a regular credit card, the first thing you are going to do is fill out a standard credit application. This will help establish an appropriate credit line with a fuel card company to make sure your fleet always has fuel.

Where can you apply for a fuel card? There’s a lot of fuel card companies that still use a standard print application, but you can find some companies that have their application online. Here’s links to fuel cards that have online applications.

Fuel Cards With Online Applications

Step 2: Order Your Fuel Cards

Once your credit application is approved the fuel card company you applied with will contact you with a card order form. This is probably the most crucial part of the setup because this is how you control and track your company’s fuel purchases. After all if a fuel card is setup or administered wrong, then it really is no better than passing out a company credit card.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, check out this article on how to setup an effective fleet card program from the start.

Step 3: Implement Fuel Card Program

After everything is setup and you receive your fuel cards, it’s time to pass out the cards to your drivers. You will also want to include the following tools to hold your driver’s accountable and to help them understand the system because after all they will be the one’s using the cards on a day to day basis.

What You Should Hand Out With Your Fuel Cards

  • Driver’s Pin Number
  • Driver Fuel Card Policy Form
  • A Map Of Approved Fueling Locations
  • Instructions To Download Fuel Card Mobile App To Find Locations (Alternative To Map)

There you go, now you not only know how to get a fuel card, but also know how to setup a fuel card program that’s going to work like a well oiled machine for your company.
