If you are reading this, you probably suspect that you have a driver stealing fuel from your company at the gas station. But how do you know? Or how much proof do you have? Unfortunately, at one point or another this is a reality for companies who operate trucks.
The good news. There is a way you can stop your drivers from stealing fuel and it’s pretty simple. Just follow this 3 step process to eliminate driver fuel theft. You can also download our free e-book for more tips.
1. Get A Fleet Fuel Card
Stop passing out cash or using a corporate credit card. Fleet fuel cards are specifically made so drivers can only purchase fuel. Right up front this will stop any non fuel related purchases at convenience stores.
You can use our fuel card finder to help find the best fuel card for your company or check out this recent article Fleet Fuel Card Comparison – Best Fuel Cards Matched Up Side-By-Side.
2. Setup Fuel Card Controls
Most fleet cards come with controls you can setup to make sure your drivers only purchase fuel when you want them to. Here’s some examples of controls your fleet fuel card should come with;
Product controls: limit drivers to purchase only diesel if they drive diesel trucks and only gas if they drive gas vehicles
Gallon limits: limit the number of gallons a driver can purchase at the pump by the tank size of the vehicle they are driving
Time frame limits: set specific time frames your fleet cards can purchase fuel. I.E. Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm

3. Monitor Your Driver’s Fuel Purchases With Automatic E-receipts
The hardest part about preventing a driver from stealing fuel is that you’re not at the gas station with them. With e-receipts, you get a receipt emailed to you as soon as they hang up the nozzle. It will tell you exactly where they are and how much fuel they purchased so you’re always in the know.

P.S. here’s bonus tip. Download our free driver fuel card policy template to hold your driver’s accountable when you issue them a fuel card.
If you simply follow these steps you should have a pretty bullet proof plan to make sure your drivers aren’t stealing fuel from your company.