The Ultimate Guide To Purchasing Red Dyed Diesel In Texas

The Benefit Of Using Dyed Diesel Fuel

Dyed diesel fuel, also known as off-road diesel fuel, is a tax free fuel that is only permitted to be used in off-road equipment or to power non-motor vehicle engines. The reason for this, is that a large portion of off-road diesel’s uses are in practices that are also non-taxable i.e. farming.

As a result, the red dyed diesel price per gallon is approximately 45 cents cheaper than regular clear diesel.

Given that difference in price it’d be pretty easy to see the desire to completely replace regular diesel with dyed. However, if dyed diesel is being used improperly and discovered in a truck tank or other motorized vehicle the driver or company who owns the vehicle will receive a fine of $10 per gallon with a maximum fine of $1,000.

Vehicles/Equipment That Can Use Red Dyed Diesel

Basically anything that requires diesel fuel that is not operated on roads. The most common types of vehicles/equipment that use red dyed diesel are:

  • Refrigerated trailers
  • Construction heavy equipment (bulldozers, excavators, graders, etc.)
  • Generators
  • Farm equipment (tractors)

Where To Buy Dyed Diesel Fuel In Texas

If you have refrigerated trailers or construction trucks with fuel transfer tanks, purchasing dyed diesel at a gas station is probably your best bet. Now if you have a large onsite fuel tank or a lot of equipment that needs fueling at a jobsite you may want to look into bulk fuel delivery or onsite mobile fueling.

Texas Gas Stations With Dyed Diesel At The Pump

It’s important to note that most, if not all gas stations that carry red dyed diesel will require you to purchase it with a fleet fuel card because it’s the easiest way to verify that you have a  Texas dyed diesel number (see below). Fleet card companies are required to keep the purchaser’s Texas dyed diesel number on file which takes the liability off the gas station if someone was to use red dyed diesel without a permit.

You can purchase red dyed diesel at all the stations above with the CFN fuel card.

Requirements For Purchasing Red Dyed Diesel In Texas

The state of Texas requires businesses/people who purchase dyed diesel to obtain a Dyed Diesel Fuel End User Number before any dyed-diesel can be purchased. If you don’t know if your company has one, you can search for your company’s dyed diesel number with the State of Texas Fuel License search.

If you don’t have a dyed diesel number already you can register for one by following the instructions below.


How To Apply For A Texas Dyed Diesel Permit

Step 1: Fill out the Texas Dyed Diesel Fuel End User Agreement

Step 2: Enter in all necessary information

Step 3: Once the application has been completed, the option is now yours as to whether you wish to email, mail or fax in your submission for approval (all mailing information is included on the application).

Step 4: Expect to see a notice of approval within 3-6 weeks.