Passing around the company credit card, handing out cash, or reimbursing drivers for fuel is a pain. Not to mention there is no control unless to show up to the fuel station yourself and fuel every vehicle one by one.
At this point you’re probably wondering… Is there such thing as a fuel only credit card?
Yes there is. These fuel only credit cards are commonly referred to as universal fuel cards. Universal fuel cards allow drivers to purchase fuel at almost every gas station and truck stop, but they differ from regular credit cards because fuel cards are only good for fuel purchases.
But universal fuel cards are much more than credit cards for fuel only, they also provide fuel controls, purchase alerts, fleet reporting which helps companies track and control every fuel purchase from start to finish.
The Top 3 Fuel Only Credit Cards
The three main fuel only credit cards are WEX (Wright Express), Fuelman, and Voyager. All three of these fuel cards offer similar controls, alerts, and reporting capabilities. Not to mention they all are accepted at almost any gas station.
Here’s the breakdown of each card;
1) Voyager Fuel Card
The Voyager fuel card is accepted at 320,000 fuel and maintenance locations nationwide. This card is equipped with all the controls, alerts, and reports to manage a fleet’s fuel purchases from the smallest companies to the largest. You know the Voyager card is legit when the US Postal Service uses it to manage their fleet.
Unlike other universal fuel cards, the Voyager fuel card which is a US Bank product, is sold and serviced through individual fuel card companies throughout the nation. These companies are called Voyager channel partners and they directly deal with the customers which provides a smaller personalized touch that a huge bank would have a hard time providing.
2) WEX Fuel Card
The WEX fuel card is very similar to the Voyager card in acceptance, controls, alerts and reporting. The only major difference is that WEX directly services their customers. If you would rather deal with a large corporate company directly, WEX may be the way to go for you.
As far as credentials go, WEX has been around since 1983 and is one of the largest corporate payment companies in the world.
3) Fuelman Fuel Card
The Fuelman fuel card has a little bit smaller network of 57,000 locations nationwide, but some Fuelman cards are also capable of using the Voyager network which adds another roughly 200,000 sites to the network.
Fuelman is owned by FleetCor which is the parent company to a lot of other smaller fuel card networks such as CFN, Comdata, and Pacific pride.
What’s The Best Fuel Only Credit Card?
All three of these fuel only credit cards will work great for just about any company out there.
Just look into each fuel card company and compare customer service, fees, pricing, special tools that may work for your company, etc. and make your decision from there.
You may also want to check out our complete fuel card comparison where we match up each fuel card side-by-side.