Top Fuel Cards for Trucking Companies

 As a fleet manager it is up to you to pick the right fuel card for your fleet. That means taking into account what sort of needs your fleet has, and doing your best to match them with what fuel card providers have to offer. Unfortunately, there are so many fuel cards out there that it can be a difficult and time consuming process to vet every one of them. That’s where we come in. We took the time to look at all the fuel cards out there so you wouldn’t have to, and we came up with four that we think you’ll like. 


The premier universal fuel card, the Voyager Fuel Card is accepted at 320,000 locations nationwide. Controllable and traceable as well, the Voyager Fuel Card is not only a widely accepted card but a safe to use card as well. Requiring Driver ID# before purchase, and placing limits on the amount of fuel that can be purchased, you can be sure that your fuel card is being used correctly. And what’s more, you can be extra sure that your card is being used correctly because Voyager is a traceable card too. Each purchase made with a Voyager is recorded with a real-time alert, which is then compiled amongst every other fuel purchase and sent to you in a monthly report. However, since Voyager is not distributed by itself and instead by mid-level sellers, certain cards will come with set-up or monthly fees upon the discretion of the card distributor.


Rivaled only by Voyager when it comes to acceptability, Wex is accepted at 180,000 locations nationwide. However, Wex far outcompetes Voyager as well as the other cards discussed in this article when it comes to card customizability. Offering several different cards that cater to varying specific needs, Wex cards can meet the needs of fleet’s big and small. For instance, if you’re a company that primarily fuels at 76 stations then Wex has a card for you that’ll save you money on every gallon you purchase. What doesn’t vary however, is the level of control that Wex has to offer over all of its cards. Requiring Driver ID# before purchase, and giving you the option to control the time of day, the product type and the dollar amount your card can purchase with. What really sets Wex apart though, is their reporting system. Offering 3 levels, each building on the first, Wex’s “ClearView” is the most advanced and complete reporting system in the fleet fuel industry. Adding yet another layer of security and convenience to the management of your fleet.


The perfect card for trucking companies located on the west coast, the CFN Fuel Card has 57,000 accepting locations nationwide, many of which are primarily located on the west coast. In fact if you’re a trucking company on the west coast, CFN stations are most typically the only stations that can accommodate an 18-wheeler.  Highly controllable, the CFN Fuel Card has six different fuel card controls to offer. With each of them, you are given the opportunity to fully customize the controls on your card so that you can be absolutely certain that your card is being used when, where and how you want it to be. And if it ever isn’t used how you want it to be, you’ll know when you’re notified in real time with a purchase alert from CFN. 


A great card if you’re in the right place (i.e. trucking near a large amount of Fuelman accepting locations), the Fuelman Fuel Card is accepted at 57,000 locations nationwide. Many of the locations Fuelman is accepted at are cardlock stations, which means that you the consumer get to pay the wholesale price rather than a marked-up retail one. All of which, you’ll be able to do so safely as a result of the several fuel card controls Fuelman has to offer. Allowing you to control when, where and how your card is used at all times. 

Top Cards For Trucking Winners By Category

Location: Voyager

Controls: Fuelman & CFN

Reporting: Wex

Pricing: Fuelman & CFN