Wex Flex vs. Wex Fleet Card

Wex Flex Vs. Wex Fleet

To meet their customer’s fleet fueling needs,Wex has two cards to offer, the Wex Flex card and the Wex Fleet card. Both of which are great cards, that have loads of acceptance and high levels of control. However, the cards do differ in a couple of really important ways. So by the time this article concludes, will be explained in detail in tandem with the other features of the card. Which for those of you who are using Wex, or considering using Wex in the future this post will be helpful in determining which of Wex’s cards are best for you and your company.

Wex Flex


Just your average,ordinary universal fuel card the Wex Flex card can be used to fuel your fleet at every station in the United States. No exceptions.


And as if that wasn’t good enough, the Wex Flex card also has a 3 cent rebate (!!) and allows you to carry a monthly balance. Unfortunately, the 3 cent rebate is only in effect for the first___ months of its use, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t save big while it lasts!! However, the use of the monthly balance has no expiration date which can be a huge advantage for companies that…


Finally, the Wex Flex card also has a high level of control and an advanced reporting system so you can ensure that your cards are being used properly. As a card manager with Wex, you’ll have the ability to determine the time of day/week that your card is used, the amount of money that can be spent within a particular transaction, and the amount of transactions that can occur within a particular time frame. All of which can be viewed in Wex’s monthly e-reports. Which come tax season, won’t just help you ensure your controls are working but also double as your receipts.

Wex Fleet


Accepted at 95% of all fuel stations in the U.S., the Wex Fleet card doesn’t quite have the level of acceptance as its Flex counterpart. But with 9 out of every 10 stations accepting the Fleet card, you’ll still be hard pressed to find a station that doesn’t accept it.

Mobile App

With the Fleet card, you won’t have access to a 3 cent rebate or the ability to carry a balance like you would with the Flex card but that doesn’t mean that the Fleet card isn’t without its benefits. Most notably, with a Fleet card comes access to the Fleet SmartHub app. With this app you can do it all; check driver ID’s, spot misuse, cancel stolen or lost cards, view purchases and more!


So then when you combine the app’s resources with the level of oversight afforded to you by Wex’s controls results in a remarkably secure card. With a Wex Fleet card you can determine when, where and how your card is used and with Wex’s e-reporting system you can be sure your controls are working.